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2 Pack Luci Solari da Parete con Sensore di Movimento Avanzato

Prezzo di vendita$49.99

2 Pack Advanced Motion Sensor Solar Lights Wall Sconces - quntis-service
2 Pack Luci Solari da Parete con Sensore di Movimento Avanzato Prezzo di vendita$49.99

perché scegliere Quntis luci solari con sensore di movimento

Le nostre luci solari da esterno sono dotate di un fantastico sensore di movimento PIR! Se non viene rilevato alcun movimento durante la notte, le luci solari appese rimarranno debolmente illuminate, e quando viene rilevato un movimento, cambieranno in una luce intensa. È la soluzione perfetta per installazioni all'aperto o in giardino!

IP54 Impermeabile e Resistente alle Intemperie

Il corpo della luce è realizzato in ABS, che ha resistenza alle alte temperature, resistenza alla corrosione e resistenza all'acqua. Le applique solari per esterni sono anche a prova di ruggine e durevoli. Sono adatte per giorni nuvolosi, forti piogge, neve e altre condizioni meteorologiche avverse.

Pannello Solare ad Alta Efficienza

Nello stesso tempo di ricarica solare. Con l'aiuto di celle solari in silicio monocristallino, Quntis le lanterne solari da esterno possono ricaricare il 18% in più rispetto ad altre. Adottiamo anche la tecnologia di sabbiatura e laminazione per migliorare ulteriormente il tasso di conversione al 20%.

Interruttore automatico

Accensione e spegnimento automatici in base alla luce. Accendi per l'illuminazione la sera. Spegni per la ricarica durante il giorno. Ti offre tranquillità risparmiando tempo e fatica.

Customer Reviews

Based on 154 reviews
Bright Realistic LED Filament Light But Poor Battery Life

Impressed by the size and brightness of the LED bulb, which appears much closer to an LED filament light you’d consider screwing into a AC light socket, then a typical solar LED light. The overall effect is impressive and looks like a wired light, not a solar light. This creates a pleasant warm looking ambiance, which is much more authentic than a typical LED solar light. The lights even look good during the day. Up close it clearly looks plastic and the motion sensor dome is very obvious, but overall very happy with the athletics.

However, these large LED filament lights come at the expense of battery life which only lasts a couple hours before it’s spent. This issue is further exacerbated by the fact that the light automatically turns on at dusk and remains lit at 25% brightness, unless it detects motion which causes it to go to 100%, and remains so until the motion stops. There is no separate motion only setting, so the light’s always on after dusk until the battery dies, which is only a 3.7v 1200mAh battery powered by a small 5.5cm x 9.5cm solar panel. There is no motion only or timer function (i.e. on for 3 hours past dusk, motion only, etc.) I also confirmed that the battery is user replaceable, as is the bulb. As such, you really need to consider the placement of these lights to maximize sun exposure, otherwise the performance will be adversely affected.

Color Temperature: 2100K (very warm)
Battery Capacity: 3.7v 1200mAh
Motion Sensor: 120 degree field and range of 33 feet but performance is subject to mounting position and size and speed of object.
Size: 17cm wide, 19cm long, 9.5cm dee
Screw Holes: 9 cm apart
Material: AS+ABS

Final Thought: Need to ensure maximum sun exposure, but otherwise impressive effect for an LED solar light. If you have the sun exposure to ensure a good charge, you’ll be impressed by the effect while it lasts.

J. Miller
Bright lighting, but needs lots of sun exposure

These solar lights have an "edison" type bulb that looks pretty neat. It stays on a dim setting at all times as a decorative light, but when it detects motion (by human or animal) within around 10-15 feet it brightens up briefly until the motion stops.

On a full charge, the dim light stays on for most of the night, but if it frequently gets motion the life takes a big hit.

The panel is a good size, but for best operation you need the panel to have a mostly unobstructed view of the sky (ideally southern sky so it gets sun all day). If you install this in the shade or facing north where the sun view will be obstructed, the light will not last long after dark. It will work best in the summer months, at least here in Canada, due to the sun being so low in the winter.

I have a fence/privacy wall on the one side of my deck and these work very well there since they can face south, so even in the winter I am getting pretty good battery life.

Nature lover
Needs a lot of sunlight but is functional

These solar Motion Sensor Lights,Quntis 2Pack Wall Sconce,Fully Automatic Modes Solar Lights Outdoor with 2 Lighting Modes are beautiful to look at and functional as well. However, I'd recommend them only for places where you get a lot of sunlight. The reason being, they will remail lit at 25% strength as soon as it gets a little dark - from dawn to dusk. You will need a lot of sunlight for it to stay powered all these hours.

It does function well, as in it detects motion sensor and the light is at 100% strength. Then it dims back to 25%. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the product. But please keep the above in mind, that it will need a lot of sunlight. If you are planning to gift these to someone in countries where they have abundance of sunlight, this can be a great gift! Also comes nicely packed.

I hope you find my review helpful.

And don’t call me Shirley
So far, so good

Winter (or a late Fall that just looks/feels like Winter) is a weird time of year to be installing solar lights I think, but so far so good. We haven't had much sun of late so I cannot speak accurately to how long these lights are capable of running for, but so far, whenever they have detected motion they have been coming on. They are a good size and give off a fair bit of light without blinding us, which is nice, and I think they look good. What you see in the photos is exactly what you get. I am happy with them and have no complaints

small but elegant lights

These lights are smaller than standard wall lights. The bulbs cast a nice yellow glow that lights the surrounding area fairly well. Each has an on and off switch to allow you to turn it off to charge the battery or for Nguyen. You do not want it on. The motion sensor works well and will only illuminate during darkness which saves battery life, the built-in top solar panel will limit the direction that they can be mounted. Great purchase for an entrance area that gets sunlight during the day.